
Information according to 5 TMG:

Emmanuelle Coutant - Artist

Lerchenweg 17

Edingen 68535


Kayu Creation is not responsible for the content of websites outside this one.

Site development

Wittyweb Agency



Headquarters: Incsub LLC, PO Box 1218, Windsor, Victoria 3181 - Australia


For any complaint, you can contact Wittyweb or the host.

Responsibility for content

The contents of our pages have been created with great care. However, we cannot guarantee its relevance, completeness and current events.

As a service provider we are responsible for the content of these pages according to German general laws and particularly according to paragraph 6 section 1 of the MDStV (Mediendienstestaatsvertrag - State Treaty on Services Related to paragraph 8 section 1 of the TDG (Telemediengesetz - tele-services law). However, service providers are not required to monitor or, depending on any particular circumstances, to conduct research to verify the accuracy of the content transmitted or foreign information that has been backed up. The duty to withdraw or block the use of information according to general laws remains intact. Responsibility in this case can only be pronounced from the moment a possible violation of rights becomes known. The contents will be immediately removed by us after learning of any of these rights violations.

Responsibility for links

Our pages contain links to third-party websites for which we have no influence on content. Therefore we cannot be held responsible for this foreign content. Suppliers or operators of linked pages are responsible for their content. The linked pages were checked for non-violation of rights at the time of posting. No illegal content was identified at the time of posting. A permanent control of the contents of the linked pages is not feasible, however, without a particular suspicion of a violation of law. The links will be immediately removed by us in the event of any knowledge of a violation of rights.


Page operators are concerned with copyright ownership and use personal or license-free products as much as possible.

The products and tools used in the contents of our operators' pages are subject to copyright under German law. Third-party contributions are reported as such. Reproduction, processing, dissemination and any means of use outside the boundaries of copyright requires the author or creator to obtain a written prior statement. Downloads and copies of pages are only allowed for private use and not for commercial uses.

Source: Disclaimer de, a German news site on Internet law.

We thank Erik Wietzel for writing the texts and his critical mind.